Thursday, December 30, 2010


the past two weeks have been so busy, its awesome. people are coming in and spending their holiday money. keep it coming!

on another note...

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Here are some tattoos Pete did last week, both turned out pretty sweet. Luckily the winter season hasent been too slow for us the past 2 weeks or so.  We've been having alot of random walkins and people who are curious and have never seen us before, so its been pretty cool. Everyone seems pretty pleased with the work they are getting or the stuff they are checking out in the portfolios.

On another note, we also barely have any hoodies or blue shirts left, if you want on come snag them. All the merch we are doing is going to be a limited run and im not sure when we are printing more.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


So i figured i would make a blogspot for the shop so we can post picutres of new tattoos/art, things that are going on, and whatever other random shit we feel like haha. We should be updating this fairly regularly, so check back often.

- Matt